
About the Workshop

Workshop Programme Workshop Registration

The aims of the workshop are to empower clinician leaders and healthcare services managers with the knowledge, skills, confidence and self-awareness to play a central role in decision making within their healthcare organization and medical and health services.

Target Participants

  • Clinician leaders and managers of healthcare services of both public and private healthcare sectors
  • Fellows of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
  • Basic and higher trainees and affiliate fellows/members of various colleges of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

The Workshop Faculty

  • Prof. Erwin LOH, President Elect, Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators
  • Prof. Alan SANDFORD, Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine and Past President of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators
  • Prof. Paul LAI, FRACMA, former Chair Professor, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Brief Outline of the Workshop

The workshop consists of 5 key sessions:

  1. Leadership & Communication
  2. Leading Clinical Governance
  3. Ethical Decision Making and Professionalism
  4. Clinician Manager to Health Leader
  5. The Pathway to Become a Medical Administrator Specialist (RACMA Education Program Overview)
  1. Leadership & Communication
    Greater self-awareness and insight into individual differences provides a basis for developing strategies for change and personal growth in a leadership role. To be an effective leader, you need to continually reflect on your characteristics, skills, strengths and weaknesses and evolve to keep up with the ever-changing environment in which you operate.

    Understand yourself and how you interact with others, discover how to influence workplace culture and lead change by learning the methodology, behaviours and application of leadership.

    Communication is a critical tool employed by managers to achieve multiple outcomes. Strong and united teams achieve goals and solve problems. Managing conflict is a key management skill supported with clear, empathetic communication.
    This session will discuss about:
    • Identifying your leadership strengths
    • HR and IR related issues
    • Giving and receiving feedback
    • Understanding basic communication concepts
    • Leading diverse teams (patient and system)
    • Gaining consensus and managing conflict
    • Retaining staff
    • Managing wellness of self and team
    • Managing diversity and inclusion in your workplace
    • Advocacy
    • Consent
    • Difficult conversations


  2. Leading Clinical Governance

    Effective clinical leaders achieve best outcomes for patients by balancing the operations’ management and healthcare delivery in the health system. Functional knowledge and understanding of healthcare systems, as well as recognition of individual accountability is required.

    Understand the role of the Clinical Leader in healthcare risk management, supporting and leading clinical governance and dealing with the challenges that arise as part of management roles are essential underpinnings for effective clinical leaders.

    The following topics will be covered in this session:

    • Clinical Governance Frameworks
    • Risk Management
    • Health Medicolegal matters
    • National Standards
    • Quality and Safety
    • A manager’s role in improving and reporting incidents
    • Understanding risk and audit
    • Policy and guidelines


  3. Ethical Decision Making and Professionalism

    Ethical decision making is an important topic for people in medical management and leadership because one of the key roles of leaders and managers is to make decisions. The more senior you are, the more impact your decisions have on people and on operational services, so it is important to have a framework to ensure that decision-making is ethical.

    The single most important factor in ethical decision making in organisations is the commitment by its leaders to ethics and professionalism in both their talk and behaviour. As health leaders, we set the standard in our organisation, so we need to make sure that our decisions are always seen as values-based where the decision-making process is clear and transparent, and which are ethical based on sound ethical frameworks.

  4. Clinician Managers to Health Leaders

    The Clinician Manager is required to support and lead clinical governance. They have the knowledge and skills to deal with challenges as they arise.

    • Challenges to overcome when moving into management
    • The clinician’s role in healthcare leadership
    • Paradox of clinician vs clinician manager skills
    • Managing clinical credibility
    • Hierarchy of competence
    • Managing relationships with colleagues
    • Divided loyalties
    • Managing peers, teams and managing up


  5. The Pathway to Become a Medical Administrator Specialist (RACMA Education Program Overview)

    A competent medical administrator often provides a well-rounded, holistic approach to the health care system, from translating the policies and planning in the board room to understanding the practical, day-to-day workings of medicine at the coalface. As we continue to face changes in healthcare and challenges in clinical governance, having more medical practitioners specialise in medical leadership and administration is vital to the long-term sustainability and success of delivering consistent and superior health care, while maintaining the needs and aspirations of healthcare providers/services.

    This session discusses the key differences between the general management qualifications offered by other training/higher education bodies and the specialist medical administration education and training for medical practitioners undertaking management responsibilities in their roles in the Australian setting.