

Hong Kong College of Community Medicine welcomes you to take part in the Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 (the ASM) and the Fellowship Conferment Ceremony (the FCC) which will be held on 28 September 2024 in Pao Yue Kong Auditorium, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building.

With the theme of “Planetary Health in the Anthropocene: Now for Future”, we expect more than 200 delegates including many government officials, and senior hospital executives, top-notch academics, leading experts in the healthcare sectors to join this important event.

We invite you to participate in our events as a sponsor or exhibitor. This partnership with HKCCM will provide opportunity to connect with hundreds of healthcare professionals that directly relevant to your target market. We would like to solicit generous sponsorship from you and we sincerely invite your active participation in and contribution to a successful ASM 2024.

Should you need more information, please contact our Meeting Secretariat by phone at (852) 2559 9973 or email to ccmasm@icc.com.hk.

Dr. Fei-chau PANG
Hong Kong College of Community

Dr Edmond MA
Organising Committee of the Annual
Scientific Meeting