College Council 2024-25

Dr PANG Fei Chau is the current Commissioner for Primary Healthcare, Health Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He is the president of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine. He is also a fellow of the Hong Kong College of Physicians and the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.
Prior to this position, Dr Pang was the Clinical Associate Professor of the School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and honorary consultant of Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital. Dr Pang is an experienced health service executive and have been the Head of Human Resources of the Hospital Authority to provide strategic advice and leadership to the HR function of over 40 public hospitals. He has extensive management experiences in healthcare sector like being the Hospital Chief Executive of the Grantham Hospital and Tung Wah Hospital, Chief Manager under Cluster Services Division and Quality and Safety Division at Head Office of the Hospital Authority. He was appointed as the member of the Elderly Commission of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region between 2015-2019.

Professor Samuel WONG is a clinician with training in both Family Medicine and Public Health. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Toronto and completed his Family Medicine residency training in Canada and the Master of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is the Director of the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care and the Associate Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Medicine. He is also the Founding Director of the Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training.
He has been serving the Hong Kong SAR Government in various capacities including being a Member of the Steering Committee of the Primary Care Development (since 2017), Member of the Expert Panel in Primary Healthcare and Non-communicable Disease (since 2018), Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene (2015-2021) and Advisory Committee on Primary Care Directory, Advisory Group on Hong Kong Reference Framework for Preventive Care for Children and for Older Adults in Primary Care Settings of the Department of Health (since 2016). He was awarded the Outstanding Fellowship of the Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2021.

FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Specialist in Community Medicine
After graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1988, Dr CHUNG joined the then Medical and Health Department as a Medical Officer. He has been working in various services in the Government, including Department of Health, the then Health and Welfare Bureau, and Food and Environmental Health Department. Dr CHUNG is currently the Consultant Community Medicine of Family and Student Health Branch of the Department of Health.
Dr CHUNG has been serving the College in various capacity, including Honorary Secretary, Censor in Public Health Medicine, and member of Education Committee, etc. He is currently the Chief Censor of the College.

FHKCCM (Public Health Medicine), FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Specialist in Public Health Medicine
Dr Fong Ho-ching, Edmund is currently the Assistant Director (Chinese Medicine) of the Department of Health.
Dr Fong was the representative from HKCCM in the Young Fellows Chapter of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine from 2018 to 2020, and has served in the Public Health Medicine Subspecialty Board since 2021. He is currently the Chairman of the Training Centre Accreditation Subcommittee.

FHKCCM (Public Health Medicine), FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Specialist in Public Health Medicine
Dr LEUNG is currently the Assistant Director of Elderly Health Service of the Department of Health. Her portfolio includes overseeing the clinical services provided by elderly health centres, the outreaching services provided by visiting health teams, the development and implementation of the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme, as well as supporting the government to take forward the primary healthcare initiatives.
Dr LEUNG serves as a council member since 2015 and an office bearer since 2017. She is currently the Honorary Treasurer and the Chairman of the Training Centre Accreditation Sub-committee. She is also a trainer in public health medicine.

Dr Chiu Pui-yin, Amy is the Controller, Regulatory Affairs, Department of Health. Dr Chiu is a Specialist in Public Health Medicine, and also a Fellow of UK’s Faculty of Public Health.

Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Dr Joan Fok works as Consultant in Occupational Medicine Care Service, NTEC, Hospital Authority. She is honorary Clinical Associate Professor in JC School of Public Health and Primary Care and in Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK. She served the community as member of advisory committees and boards in statutory bodies and NGO. She was awarded Dr Kathleen’s So’s Prize, Outstanding Candidate Award in the 2011 OM Part II Fellowship exam by HKCCM. She served as trainer and member of OEMSB since 2015. She was the representative from HKCCM in Young Fellows Chapter in 2017. She served as council member of HKCCM since 2020.

Professor Hong FUNG is the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of the CUHK Medical Centre, a private teaching hospital wholly owned by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Professor FUNG is also Professor of Practice in Health Services Management at the CUHK Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care. He was President of the College in 2014-2018 and Chief Censor in 2010-2013.

MD(HK), MBBS(HK), BSc(BiomedSc)(HK), MPhil(Epidemiology)(Cantab), MSc(InfectDis)(Lond), MSc(TravMed)(Glas), MStat(HK), MSc(ApplMath)(CityUHK), PDipID(HK), MFTM RCPS(Glas), FACTM, FFTM ACTM, FHKCCM (Public Health Medicine), FHKAM (Community Medicine) Specialist in Public Health Medicine
Dr Ip is a Clinical Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Community Medicine and Public Health Practice in the School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong. He is a Visiting Fellow at Hughes Hall of University of Cambridge, and a founder member of the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. His research focuses on the epidemiology, surveillance, prevention and mitigation of communicable diseases of epidemics and pandemic potential.
He had served as a consultant for the World Health Organization on the development of infectious disease surveillance systems in China, and is currently serving as a member of the Scientific Committee on Vector-borne Diseases of the Centre for Health Protection (since 2019), the Cancer Expert Working Group on Cancer Prevention and Screening (CEWG) (since 2019), and the Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene (ACFEH) (since 2021) of the Hong Kong SAR Government.

MBBS, MMed Sc (HKU), FHKAM (Surgery), FHKAM (Emergency Medicine), FHKAM(CM), FRCSEd
Dr. Lee is the Censor in Administrative Medicine training of the College of Community Medicine and Honorary Professors of JCSPH CUHK and Emergency Medicine HKU. He graduated from HKU and obtained fellowship of both Surgery and Accident and Emergency. Being a frontline clinician for 15 years, he changed course to health service management at Hospital Authority Head Office in 2001. He took up health informatics, healthcare financing and resources allocation systems development and hospital performance management during his time in HAHO. Before taking up the position of Assistant Medical Superintendent at HK Sanatorium & Hospital, he was the Hospital Chief Executive of Shatin Hospital and Bradbury Hospice, as well as Clinical Stream Coordinator for Cluster’s Diagnostic and Mental Health Services and Coordinator for Chinese-Western Medicine Integration of NTEC. He was awarded Kathleen So’s Price for Outstanding Performance in Fellowship Examination for Administrative Medicine as well as the Casemix Innovation Award in the Patient Classification System International Conference 2010 in Munich, Germany.

MBBS (HK), MMed (Occupational Medicine) (Singapore), FHKCCM, FHKAM (Community Medicine)
Dr WAN Yuen Kong is Occupational Health Consultant of the Labour Department. He is currently the Censor in Occupational and Environmental Medicine training and member of Education Committee as well as CME Subcommittee of the College.